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What do you read/listen to etc?

Sha8doW's picture

So the question is, what do you read and listen to to stay informed?

Right so the question above is about what types of blogs, videos, newspapers, magazines, podcasts etc do you listen to/read on a regular basis? Whats the topic(s), Why etc… It could be for entertainment or technical…

I personally Listen/watch/read:
From the escapist
The Jimquisition, mainly for entertainment and game info/reviews – funny and informative
Movie BoB (the big picture and at the movies) mainly for entertainment again and movie reviews – a weird (and very cool) take on WEIRD stuff!
Zero punctuation… Etertainment, game reviews, and lols,Although its startin to wear thin!

Extra Credits from Penny Arcade, for game stuff and info. Interesting stuff on the inside of how/why games work/are designed in certain ways!

I like to read the Australian to keep up with world events (and try to remain apolitical) I think it’s got a reasonable coverage of world politics!

I podcast/sibcribe to Arcade Repair Tips, podcast and video. For obvious information (arcade repairs) it’s actually helped me with my own!
And podcast a woodworking dealie… Can’t remember what its called! But it’s for woodworking tips! A growing hobby of mine!

I don’t regularly watch it, but I like the Phil Defranco Show when I get a chance! Funny shit!

So what do you?


Hashy's picture

simple stuff...

Google news mostly for me, just skim it to get an idea of what the mainstream media is generally spewing.

For entertainment I just read Majorgeeks’ way off base news.

For some REAL news.. I hit up which is some pretty heavy sh!t that most of you will never be able to agree with, so I won’t recommend you actually go there.. I don’t want your fuzzy little brains to explode from too much real information…. ;p

EDIT: Oh and ABC News 24 for my other fix of mainstream garbage, most objective out of the free to air news broadcasts around these parts…

Robag's picture

Robag's Links

Best website on the net :D

Gaming News, i have used this site since quake days
Music site
Security News
Windows News with out the Microsoft spin
Handy (Ta n0mad)64Bit site


Sha8doW's picture

gottsta love

those teanipx bitches ro!

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